Finally! THE solution to the planet’s woes!

A post by Angel, of Woman Honor Thyself, tangentially reminded me of a video I caught on YouTube recently. Below is a shorter version of the YouTube video, a long rambling conspiracy theory rant by someone who is either a genius beyond my mental capabilities to comprehend or who seriously needs his meds moderated…

The original long form rant is here, in case you wonder if the above was taken out of context in order to make the speaker seem crazier than he is (it wasn’t and he really is that crazy).

The sad thing is that, while I ran into quite a few who believed as this guy now does when I lived in “the good part of the ghetto” back twenty-five years ago, they were many fewer in number then than now, if I can trust my memory at all.

Blame it all on whitey (or whoever/whatever group the punching bag du jour is). The cry of folks who refuse to take responsibility for their own failures.

I wonder what Basil thinks of this…

6 Replies to “Finally! THE solution to the planet’s woes!”

  1. I have long held that the basic belief is that white, european males have caused all the ills of the world. Solution: Kill us. Here’s the real outcome….then some other males, most likely the guys like in the video will rise to fill the gap. Then everyone will stand around and say: “It’s the black men’s fault!” So…well, then kill them. After a while, the planet will be down to the last “type” of males, and the women will still fixate on them being the cause of the problem. At some point, again, I speculate, the white, european women witll rise to the top…then they’ll have to go…I think you can follow my logic…so when the last woman standing is left, she can look around and realize…it’s about people mistreating people and it’s not a race or gender thing….cruelty and stupidity come in all colors and plumbing types….so, maybe we should just deal with everyone one as the individuals they are….

  2. Right you are, man. But getting folks to get along can be tough. Just ask the folks living in the geographic fiction called “Iraq” cos that area of the world has ONLY seen “peace” between warring factions whenever a bloodyhanded strong man has held the quarreling dogs apart.

  3. Whaddya mean its NOT whiteys fault?..S’ok the ACLU is havin a meetin
    tomorrow with an Al Queida operative who alleges he was “abused’
    while in captivity..Happy days are here agin!..nice goin Dems!

  4. Right, Woody. There really is a growing number of folks wh think that “whitry” IS the problem and share this wacko’s view of the solution.

    And heaven help the “whitey” who defends himself against one such, cos, dontcha know, self-defense by a white person attacked by an (other, take your pick) is racism… in the pea-brained minds of leftards and excuse-nics?

    “Liberalism is a philosophy of consolation for the West as it commits suicide.”?-James Burnham

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