Lazy Saturday… here’s what’s going on

Lazy day (just heard echoes of Moody Blues in my mind’s ear: “Lazy day, Sunday afternoon/Like to put your feet up, watch TV… “)

Playing around with a new distro of Puppy Linux on a “discard” PC. Fast. Gee whiz! And Opera on this distro? ? Whoa, Nellie, she’s headed for the pumpkin patch! Oh! Just found a newer distro. Gonna d/l that Puppy *heh* and try it out, as well, I guess. Hard choosing a “simple as pie” Linux GUI distro for the proverbial “Aunt Tillie” any more, cos Puppy and Ubuntu—both leading the pack, IMO—are just so very good in different ways.

Why choose? Partition and run both or run one of each on a coupla different computers! That’s the ticket…

Local parade today (two other towns in America’s third World Countyâ„¢ have theirs, today, followed by this one). Skipped a walk downtown, cos hadda get errands done before the whole darned town shut down. Skipping the parade, too. *yawn* BTDT, even hadda band in it. In them. Whatevah. *deep yawn*

Think I’ll cruise around my blogroll for a while, too. Just skimming, cos I’m about three cupsa joe shorta full consciousness, today.

I’m about to make up my shopping list for candidates for ’08. Something along these lines:

1. Fiscal conservative
2. Shut the borders DOWN to illegal immigration and rigidly enforce laws penalizing employers of illegals, shut of the public services tap for illegals, etc.
3. Dump the tax code for something rational that removes as much power to tinker in people’s lives via the tax code from Washington as possible.
4. Kick asses and take names of Islamic terrorists, anywhere they can be found. Send names to survivors, along with the grisly gristle necessary to drive home the point: Don’t Tread on Me.
5. Serious (no, SERIOUS) about TOTAL energy independence for the U.S. Tell the Saudis and others to drink their oil. And mean it.

That’d about do for my dream candidates. Most of the rest of my dream shopping list I can defer until later, but those things will get my close scrutiny during the next coupla years.

Other than lazing around, playing with my Puppy (ver. 2.12 :-)), “missing” a parade (or three), noodling around in my blogroll and daydreaming about political candidates (OK, that’s almost a waking nightmare, right there), not much going on here at twc. How about where you are?

Tacking this one up over at Basil’s.

2 Replies to “Lazy Saturday… here’s what’s going on”

  1. Well does getting a new couch count!! LOL! I am so happy that today I finally have “everything” matching in my front-room! I got this new PC three weeks ago and have been playing with it since. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving and that is always good. So that is about it around here…oh yeah, been so happy to be back blogging and blogging up a storm too……….especially since I moved from Bloggers to WordPress. WordPress is pretty neat. Alright, I see you yawning…..lolzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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