Valour-IT: The Initial Wrap Up

For all of the Third World County’s readers who took the time to help with Valour-IT program, I’d like to report to you that the drive is over, but not before the goal of $180K was exceeded by at least $4K+, and the checks in the mail haven’t been counted yet.

That means more than 230 laptops will soon be in service for the use by those who, temporarily or permanently, cannot type. Thank you. You have made a mark on their future, and I would submit, your own, as they are enabled to be productive in the workforce.

If you know people who have been similarly disabled by a car, home of industrial accident, the Valour-IT program may be an model for them to get back into life.

Soldier’s Angels not only has this program, but several others to help support the troops. Take a click over there and see if maybe something resonates with your soul that might inflame a passion of yours once more. These programs run all year, so don’t feel like you have to hang back until someone announces a fund drive!

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