T-13, 1.6: Thirteen Things I Hate About John Kerry Politicians

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Thirteen Things I Hate About John Kerry Politicians

1. Lies, lies, lies (like Jean Fraud sKerry’s)

2. Arrogance (like Jean Fraud sKerry’s)

3. Slanders (like Jean Fraud sKerry’s)

4. Greed (like Jean Fraud sKerry’s)

5. Weasel-worded “apologies” when caught (like Jean Fraud sKerry’s)

6. Blame-shifting (like Jean Fraud sKerry’s)

7. Stupidity (like Jean Fraud sKerry’s)

8. Wilfull stupidity (like Jean Fraud sKerry’s)

9. Rotten to the core (like Jean Fraud sKerry–a trait he shares with Snidely Whiplash)

10. Power-hungry (like Jean Fraud sKerry)

11. Hot air (like Jean Fraud sKerry’s)

12. Ignorance (like Jean Fraud sKerry’s)

And last but not least,

13. Their silly sh*t-eating grins (like Jean Fraud sKerry’s, a trait he shares, among others, with dung beetles)

Can’t get to the Wittenburg door, so I’m posting this at Conservative Cat, Basil’s Blog, Woman Honor Thyself (who has a related post), Stuck on Stupid, Diane’s Stuff, Stop the ACLU and, of course, the Thursday Thirteen Hub.

5 Replies to “T-13, 1.6: Thirteen Things I Hate About John Kerry Politicians”

  1. Pingback: Planck's Constant
  2. Angel, yeh, I did more than a year of weekly posts on that piece of slime… *sigh* The ONLY way Jean Fraud sKerry could even begin to make amends for all his slanders would be to then realize the depths of his perfidy, issue a real apology and then go home and do a Richard Corey.

    Bernie, the format limits me to 13, but yeh, you’re right. Politicians *spit* are a scourge upon humanity.

    BTW, Angel, this comment ended up marked as spam and needed to be recovered, so don’t feel singled out. 🙂

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