Make a Federal Case Out of It

[NOTE: I am not a lawyer, but I played one on stage once.]

Seriously. If the feddle gummint is going to stick its nose in everywhere it doesn’t belong, I’d say clog the feddle courts up with as many cases as could possibly be related to the bloated feddle gummint codes and regulations as possible.

Example: kid gets off a school bus and assaults Diane. Strong liklihood it’s a race hate crime (the kid was black) AND the school district has culpability (not a regular rider of the bus, bus driver refused to ID the kid… and provided a getaway vehicle before the police arrived). Katrina-related? Was in a Houston suburb. Lotsa NO families still hanging around feeding off the public teat there.

According to one witness, the kid who bowled Diane over has made threats on her son’s life. While on school property.

All kinds of possible feddle gummint angles to explore. For charges against the kid and for lawsuits against the school district. All it’d take would be a creative and energetic attorney, looking for a cash cow to milk. Heck, to slaughter. Heck, just credibly (and honestly) threatening such action ought to shake the money tree a bit.

As for the kid, well, the tale reminds me of a time I was living in “the good part of the ghetto” in KCMO. Kid was walking by our house, about to take a shortcut through a vacant lot next to us. I was working on a car and had our German Shepherd laying at my feet. Ufda (the dog) rose to her feet, growling, hackles raised. Kid pulled a Saturday night special outa his pocket and threatened the dog. I pointed out to him that if he shot my dog, I’d kill him with the wrench I had in my hand. He backed away.

Later that day, I saw the same kid staggering down the street, bloody and beaten. Someone had taken his popgun away from him and beaten the royal sh*t outa him with it.

I suspect the kid who assaulted Diane is gonna end up in pretty much the same condition some day Real Soon Now, in the natural course of events… if he lives that long. Behavior such as the tale told at Diane’s Stuff relates is one of the very real reasons for the mortality rate among young Black men.*

Not a racist remark, just an observation of fact.

*Yeh, yeh, young jackasses of any race stand a better shot of sying young from bad cases of stupidity combined with too much testosterone. But the figures don’t lie (no matter how hard some folks try to obfuscate about the causes of those figures). NOTE: the link’s to a pdf.

Young African American men die at a rate that is at least
1.5 times the rate of young white and Hispanic men, and
almost three times the rate of young Asian men (Fig. 6).
While the death rate drops for men ages 25 to 29 for most
groups, it continues to rise among African Americans.

Maybe, just maybe folks ought to look into that situation honestly… ya think? Nah. Too many unfomfortable facts out there that’d screw up the faux liberals’ positions.

“Liberalism is a philosophy of consolation for the West as it commits suicide.”—James Burnham

2 Replies to “Make a Federal Case Out of It”

  1. You can believe I’m looking into it David! As for the kid not seeing the twilight years I’ve no doubt of that. Anyone with as much disregard and lack of respect for someone else as this kid showed is sure to go down at a young age. This is Texas after all and I probably could have shot him and got away with it, with him being on my property and assaulting me.

  2. Yeh, but if you had shot him, it had better have been a “three tap” just to make sure some ambulance chaser didn’t attempt to sue you for merely wounding him…

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