Like, totally cool, dude.

IMAO has a great sendup of Demo underground conspiracy theories. I particularly enjoyed this part:

Hacker1: Yeah, there’s no fooling those guys [the Democratic Underground]. They’re on top of everything. Luckily, Rove had a plan for them too.

Hacker2: What he did was get all these mental patients – total schizos – and brainwash them about how evil the Republicans are. Then he gave them internet connections.

Hacker1: Now the schizos that Rove planted totally rule the Democratic Underground discussion forum. They’re the most prolific posters. Instead of getting anywhere on all the evil plans we have, they waste time blaming a Democrat event being rained out on Karl Rove.

Hacker2: Which is stupid because our weather machine is only 60% complete…

[heh] Just read the whole thing.

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