Weekend Mini-Roundup

Just a (very) few of the things that caught my eye this week.

Night over Korea. Kim Jong Il is sucking the light outa the North, eh?

The regime in the north is so short of electricity that the whole country is switched off at 9 p.m. – apart from the capital of Pyongyang where dictator Kim Jong-il and his cohorts live in relative luxury.

h.t. Creechman

(Old) News for the Chicken Littles out there: the Sun is dimming. (And so are your pronouncements about human caused global climate crisis.)

Cancer-killing virus. 90% successful in mice. Be sure and get this word to all mice fed phytoestrogen-laced food that you know, eh?

Wal-Mart: $4 Generic Drugs And d/l the list of $4 drugs here.

Strategy Page: Austin Bay comments on Mark Stein’s “America Alone”

Old news, but… beam me up, Scotty: first teleportation?

So why aren’t you on the White House speed dial list? Rachel is.

h.t. Bou

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