
While the pope may have backed down from the “schoolyard bully” and issued and apology (of sorts, where an apology of ANY sort is inexcusable), others have taken the popes comments that so inflamed an easily-provoked bunch of savages and “revised and extended” them in a way that offers food for thought. Joshua Trevino, at The Brussels Journal is one such.

As we look toward the plight of the Christians of the Middle East at large, we must be reminded that they are an embattled minority in large part because their doctrinal precepts are simply more humane… The superior creed in the eyes of history may be that with the more force and fury on its side; but in the eyes of history’s God, the criteria for rectitude are doubtless rather different.

Worth reading. Anyone with two eyes and a working synapse in their cranium could—and probably has—thought or said (perhaps even thoughtfully said :-)) as much as Trevino, though likely not in so measured a tone. *heh*

Noted at TMH’s Bacon Bits and The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns.

One Reply to “Exegesis”

  1. It stuns and saddens me that those with civilization on their side would be the ones at risk of losing it all in the face of Islamofascist incivility. Of course, we have the moral relativism of the internationalist liberals to thank as enablers of the Islamofascist world-domination cause.

    Why can’t we just get along – indeed! Let the loony libs say that as they march into dhimmitude. Self-destructive fools!

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