Next One Up: The Hillarybeast?/OTP

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Is Hillary next?

Now, that’s a catfight I’d pay to see…

Condi responds to Clinton’s lies in the Chris Wallace interview.

Although it’s possible the Hillarybeast will make some response, I doubt it’d have much effect. In fact, if the Hillarybeast wanted to significantly increase her chances for a white House bid, she’d divorce Bill, blame Whitewater on him (with conveniently “found” documents… probably found in a travel case) and talk about all the times she told Bill (over and over, hectoring, nagging and throwing of plates) to “‘Get that goat-loving Osama’ but he just wouldn’t listen. Too busy chasing skirt.”


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10 Replies to “Next One Up: The Hillarybeast?/OTP”

  1. Pingback: Woody's News
  2. Pingback: planck's constant
  3. Pingback: The Random Yak
  4. Just like the intelligence community had some failures, most other public institutions have major failures also. Problem is they are not admonished for the real reason. The power of this country to act responsibly and effectively is still alive. The failures are a result of policy decisions based on flawed objectives.
    In the new world you are either a player or being played. If they really wanted Osama, they’d have him. No different than the military surrounding hundreds of insurgents and being forced to wait for hours to act until the insurgents quietly slipped away. Was it not civilian leaders responsible for this?

  5. Pingback: TMH's Bacon Bits

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