Who to send?

Whizbang has a thread going on who the USA ought to send to Arafat’s funeral. Some good suggestions. Personally, I’d combine a few of them and send Michael Moore-on, the Clintoons and Djimmi Carter. It might be too much to hope that Moore-on would like to show “solidarity” with the PLO and go dressed as a suicide bomber… (“Hey! Is that Osama in the Moore-on fat suit?”) Still, sending Moore-on, Carter and the Clintoons to a send-off for a sorry sack of… feces is kinda like sending coals to Newcastle, isn’t it?

I have an idea. Let’s all show our “respect” for Arafat by setting aside a moment to take a dump during his funeral.

Nah. Too respectful. I’d hate to have that negative association formed with good, clean feces.

Update: Lileks has this to say (among other things) about Arafat’s death:

“I am content to know he is not in Hell. Nope. Arafat did not go to Hell. He boards the ferry, yes; he makes it halfway across the River Styx, yes. Then the ferry blows up. Ten times a day for eternity. For a start.”

Well, maybe. A little too mild, IMO, but maybe a start. Perhaps a fitting torment would be bathing with Hitler. Not that the Hitler part would be a problem for Arafat, but think of the torment of forcing a piece of filth like that to bathe at all… In fact, it’s almost a certainty that they each would be filthier as a result…

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