Hollyweird Special

Well, well. President Bush’s re-election certainly is the gift that keeps on giving…

Vincent D’Onofrio has held a special place in my regard ever since I first saw him act. (D’Onofrio is the annoying twitch on Law & Order: Criminal Intent, and the chief reason why I have been unable to watch even one entire episode of that show.) He gives me a rash and makes me feel like hurling. I constantly expect to see him hauled off in a straight jacket in the next scene. When he isn’t, I change the channel in disgust.

Well, thank you President Bush. See this, from today’s NYPost

November 11, 2004 — VINCENT D’Onofrio, the star of “Law & Order: Criminal Intent,” passed out while shooting the hit TV series yesterday morning — prompting insiders to gossip that the actor is “losing it.”

“Ever since John Kerry lost the election, [D’Onofrio] has lost his [bleep,]” said our on-set insider.

“He has been getting into fistfights with people, and when he passed out today, we all thought he was faking it. But then he insisted they call 911.”

[Let me get my head around this: he passed out and asked them to call 911? Yeh, well… Conversational English isn’t necessarily meant to convey meaningful information anymore, now is it?]

Some are speculating that he may not be long for the show… Good ridance to bad acting, I say. (Unless, as I have long suspected about him from past roles, the twitchy freak he plays on the show isn’t acting at all… )

Maybe the show’s producers can replace him with a role/actor who can actually add something to the show without turning my stomach.

An alternative might be to doublecheck his medications. (Thorazine, anyone? Whatever. His dosage definitely needs to be doubled.)

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