No Guard the Borders post today…

…since remembering 9/11 is today’s subject. But just a reminder: every single one of the nineteen 9/11 hijackers was in this country illegally at the time of their terrorist act.

Every. Single. One.

So, for all those political poltroons pimping amnesty (yes, you too, Mr. Bush), remember this: failure to enforce immigration laws, crack down on forged and hijacked SS documents, etc., cost American lives on 9/11.

Every single solitary politician pimping amnesty is a terrorist enabler and should be prosecuted for treason, because of their deliberate failure to vigorously protect our borders.

Every one.

Including Especially those in the administration who refuse to vigorously enforce the laws now on the books that are designed to guard our borders.

23 Replies to “No Guard the Borders post today…”

  1. Wow ..what an astute insight actually..I’m so dog tired from a
    long day..sigh..but I hadn’t even made that connection David..
    frightening is all I can say…………

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  10. Well said, David. I think the borders issue is something that keeps getting glossed over again and again. It’s an integral part of 9/11 and it should be an integral part of the War on Terror. Great post!

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