Grab Bag

This is an Open Trackbacks Alliance post, open all weekend long. Link to this post and track back. More below the grab bag.

UPDATE: See Angel’s post, FreeD.

Here are a few things I stumbled across that have backlogged on me (translation: that I’ve been too lazy, swamped or whatever other excuse to blog). Some are interesting, others important, but too darned taxing to actually devote a whole post to.

This is one of the latter. I need to devote a whole post to the implications of this, but that’ll take some time…

“On the Virtues of Killing Children”. Sadly, the post is right.

Profiling again. Maybe in a way at least ssome of the enemies of the West can be silenced on the issue… temporarily.

“Fake But Accurate” Science?. A strong argument for remaining skeptical of the “peer review” process.

And here’s another: Diets of rodents may have tainted decades of research. Yep. Researchers have been feeding phytoestrogens to rodents for decades without factoring in the effects… or even realizing they were there. Smart. Real smart. So, when you start growing an extra eye in the middle of your forehead or whatever because of faulty rat research… *heh*

Military forces — by tradition, organization, equipment and training — are best at killing people and breaking things. Some good points, although I can’t find myself in complete agreement. I’ve heard it all (and more) at Jerry Pournelle’s before this, but as he noted,

Mr. Reagan had a sign on his desk: “It’s amazing how much you can accomplish if you don’t care who gets the credit.”

It’d be nice to think James Glassman has it right in his article, Sane Mutiny: The Coming Populist Revolt, but don’t bet the farm on it. How smart can people who elected our current Congress actually be?


Well, that’s a few grabbed from a backlog. Cruise my blogroll for more interesting reads and links to even more.

As I said, this is an open trackback post open all weekend long. Link to this post and then track back. If you want to host your own linkfests, check out

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25 Replies to “Grab Bag”

  1. Pingback: Stuck On Stupid
  2. Pingback: Diane's Stuff
  3. Pingback: planck's constant
  4. Thanks for the reading, I’ll try to check this out this weekend. I’m always seeing things I’d love to blog about but run out of time…. ah well.

  5. Pingback: Church and State
  6. Pingback: Church and State
  7. Pingback: The Right Nation
  8. Pingback: Don Surber
  9. Pingback: LomaAlta
  10. Pingback: planck's constant
  11. Pingback: planck's constant
  12. Pingback: planck's constant

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