Robinson-Miller race in NC

Gee, the Robinson-Miller race for North Carolina’s 13th Congressional District seat is almost rich enough to make me wanna leave America’s Third World County and move to North Carolina. I’d appreciate a more clearcut support for the Fair Tax bill than is available on Robinson’s site, but I’d probably vote for the dude just cos of his great attack ads.

Here’s a sample of part of one of ’em:

Of course, I can’t vote for the guy, and I’m not even campaigning for him–no point since I can’t vote for him. But I do like ATTACK ADS. Funny? Sure, I can take humorous. But there has to be both substantial (and true) statement of behavior harmful to constituents in specific and the Republic in general, plus a real bite with just a little meaness to it for an attack ad to win grins from me.

Robinson’s throwing the “Oh, how nasty! An attack ad!” prissy neo-victorian bowdlerizing of politics (which only goes one way in PC circles, dontcha know) back in the faces of faux liberals and their cohorts in crime among the Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind.

I like that. I wish more pols would come out clearly and unequivocally saying that pols are stealing our money, giving away the store to illegal aliens (yes, I’m talking about GWB, too), failing in national security and more.

Now, admittedly, I am NOT a NC resident, and I have only a very, very surface knowledge of the Robinson-Miller race or NC 13th Congressional District needs and drives, so I’m not in any way endorsing Robinson, but I do think if y’all would visit his site (linked above), you might well have some fun watching/listening to his various ads (like this one).

At the very least, it might be instructive of… something. *G* And it’d give you a lokk (and listen) to something that has the usual suspects among the Kosites and D’uhnderheads getting their knickers all in a twist.


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