“…Move ’em out!”

I begin this mini-micro-roundup of interesting stuff ’round and about with a quote from a reader’s email over at Chaos manor Musings:

“Political correctness is affirmative action for lousy ideas.”

While you’re mulling that one over (and the meta-commentary it makes on affirmative action), here are a few intersting posts and other tidbits from my limited cruisin’s this week, so far.

Two must-reads from Planck’s Constant (Yeh, I know they’re included in an open trackbacks post, but these are too good to let languish there):

Do the Christian thing. *heh* Well-said.

The Scorpion and the Frog, re-framed.

Woody makes a case for Geogians to re-elect the racist Cynthia McKinney. Interesting arguments, Woody. Wanna make the same case for, oh, say… Billary? 😉

While we’re on McKinney, Ann Coulter has a word or three on the topic

“Cynthia McKinney: One of the most intelligent Democrats in the country.”

Social networking… in the hands of the narcs, the undoing of some dumb parents. (How do I know they’re dumber than a bag o’ hammers? Look at their progeny… )

More fake news exposed by Dan Rhiel. Seems the Mass Media Podpeople learned the wrong lesson from Rathergate. Naturally.

Well, Kim, I’m drooling, too. Good heavens, that’s purty!

Stupidity has its price, even in our cradle-to-grave nanny state society. The Median Sib asks, What was she thinking?. Obviously, nothing. *sigh* The article doesn’t say, but the woman referred to could have been the head of any number of departments in an Academia Nut Fruitcake Bakery or Feddle Gummint Bureaucrappy. Thems things that takes real smarts.

That’s about it for now. Sure, there’s a ton more (like commentary on the Murtha suit from a buncha perspectives), but I feel like stopping here, for now. Need more caffeine. Or more sleep. Or both.

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