Indian Anti-terrorists pro-Bush

Reuters (the formerly [?] all-anti-Bush “news” agency) reports:

The chairman of the All-India Anti-Terrorist Front (AATF), and former Youth Congress chief Maninderjeet Singh Bitta holds a banner during a staged rally with school students supporting U.S. President Bush (news – web sites)’s re-election in New Delhi on November 6, 2004.

Hmm… Is it possible that Maninderjeet Singh Bitta is a Sikh? (FYI, Sikh soldiers have reputations among elite fighting forces worldwide as soldiers other elite soldiers very seriously do NOT want to ummm… mess with… Their reputation as the fiercest of combatants is borne out through nearly 400 years of military contact with the West. Good folk to have on your side. Much better than having a Half-caf/Decaf No-fat Latte-with-a-twist Loony Left Moonbat Brigade and their communist partners in crime in the Mass media Podpeoples’ Army…)

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