“What a Maroon” Watch

Bugs Bunny: “What a maroon!” (maroon: BBs unique pronunciation of moron)

Headline: “Netherlands Braces for ‘jihad'” (Notice that the Washinton Times puts jihad in scare quotes [sigh] )

“We are not going to tolerate this. We are going to ratchet up the fight against this sort of terrorism.” [emphasis added]
–Deputy Prime Minister Gerrit Zalm of the Netherlands, after the murder of Theo van Gogh and attendant death threats by Islamic jihadists on the life of a Netherlander lawmaker. (link here )

[sort, n. A category of things distinguished by some common characteristic or quality ]

So, my question to this maroon is this: if “this sort of terrorism” is unacceptable and you plan to “ratchet up the fight against” it, what are the sorts of terrorism you do not feel it’s necessary to fight, what sorts of terrorism are acceptable to you?

What a maroon.

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