The Blogs of Summer

See that cute lil graphic in my left sidebar? The one with the waggledy tail purty flars n says “Blogs of Summer”? Yeh, that one. Well, Lyn @ Bloggin’ Outloud has this thing about “Blogs of this, that and t’other” and thought something along the lines of, “If I have this really cool idea I can flog as ‘promoting other blogs” maybe I can boost my TTLB ranking and traffic” or something like that.

Yeh, I know he didn’t SAY that, but I’m half-a-mind reader (and I have half a mind to use doing things like that, too). Check the blogroll out. Check out Lyn’s promo posts for The Blogs of Summer, and start nominating blogs tomorrow (at least, that’s what I understand the process is). The categories for (Best?) Blogs of Summer are (so far, maybe for sure, even):

1) Chick & Mommy Blogs
2) Humor & Satire Blogs
3) Milblogs and Military Support Blogs
4) Random Blogs That Don’t Fit a Category
5) Kitty Kat Blogs (And Other Assorted Pets)
6) Political Blogs

So, head on over and make your nominations for “best of” the Blogs of Summer.

Lyn’s strongarmed a few of us weak reeds into hosting various categories, and I just sent an “OK, OK! Quit twisting my arm!” (*VBG*) email about hosting the political Blogs of Summer category. We’ll see how that goes, won’t we, campers?

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