I got your guest blogger right here…

Reports out of America’s Third World County this week suggest that favorite blogger and sitemaster David may have lost his mind (as evidenced by the fact that he’s asked a certain hairy quadrupedal blogger to assist with the total destruction maintenance of his site while he’s busy this week). We hope he recovers his senses (and finishes that project he’s working on) soon.

In the interim (and because he told me to link myself at least once) we bring you the latest on everyone’s favorite alpine sport: Naked Luge.

And yes, that’s indicative of both the things I normally post over at my side of the mountain and the manner in which I’m likely to run amok until David comes back to his senses – and his blog – and boots my shaggy rear back home.

5 Replies to “I got your guest blogger right here…”

  1. Hee hee hee. Maybe he’s just burying himself in all that construction and not even looking at what you are doing ;). I think you’re a great fit for his site tho!

  2. I couldn’t help but notice he has your posts going to ‘The Kitchen Sink’. ๐Ÿ™‚ I could not resist that! But, at least, it’s not File 13.

    By the way, I jumped over and read those two posts – Naked Luge…..Did you make up that thing about the Penguin? ๐Ÿ™‚ I would think he was totally ‘clothed’! In fact, if he had to compete in the heat, he might be a little overly clothed. I cannot believe we are even discussing such a thing, anyway. BUT, glad it got you to the top of the Google search. BUT, who is going to put in a search for ‘naked luge’, unless they’ve been to your site? Or, Third World County?

    By the way, this discussion might even get others coming to David’s site. You might be doing him a favor – sending over some of your traffic. (grin).

  3. Yeh, Barb, that’d raise the level of discussion at Third World County: more folks coming looking for “naked luge”.

    I can hardly wait.

    Outa here…

  4. Poor Adelie the penguin. We reported on his sad tale all through January, I think. Swimming from his home in the frozen ice floes of his native land only to be turned away because he didn’t have the proper suit to luge in. As far as who’s going to search for it – the weird thing is that someone does search for it every day. Literally, every day. We haven’t gone 40 hours without at least one “naked luge” Google searcher coming through in the referrer log. Which means there’s either one extremely fixated (and not too bright – because he keeps clicking through) person out there or a whole bunch of people who really, really need to find a new hobby and haven’t quite figured out that naked luge isn’t necessarily the best choice.

    Still, being a generous and sharing sort of Yak, I figured I’d offer David a share of the glory. There’s enough naked luge to go around…

  5. ROTFL!!! Oh my goodness!! I do get some odd hits to my site too, but they are thankfully all G-rated. Not that I talk about anything but G-rated stuff either tho. I’m saving the funny ones for a post – one of these days – like “how to make a diaper for a duck” or “can ducks eat Cheerios?”. Oh my.

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