The Latest Death Cult Video

The Jawa Report has still images from the video and describes the video here. The death cultist Islamofascists claim the torture and murders were in revenge for the rape and murder of a 15 year old Iraqi girl. Anyone but a fool (which includes the entire MSM) knows they simply enjoy it.

This is just the latest example of the pure evil we are fighting against. But I knew that on 9/11, I knew it when I watched the Nick Berg video, and I never forget it. Unfortunately a significant portion of the American population didn’t realize it then or now and new attrocity, no new video, or news story seems to phase them.

As I have said before the only thing that will change their minds is if they experience it first hand with the loss of a loved one to these murderers. For some even that is not enough as is evidenced by the insanity of Nick Bergs father.

Captain Ed disagrees and thinks we need to see the video to steel our resolve.

Through all this the MSM has gone to extreme lengths to appear to be objective and avoid printing any stories that may be seen as American propoganda. Accounts of American heroism in this war for example, or detailed accounts of the Islamofascists crimes. Instead outlets like the Washington Post have written 149 articles on Haditha, and 7 on the torture and Murder of Privates Menchaca and Tucker. Through their efforts the MSM has become the propoganda arm of the Islamofascists.

Now this news story in the NYT infuriates me!

It also deepens the mystery surrounding the rape and killing of the Iraqi girl and the slayings of her parents and younger sister.

What?!!! No it doesn’t. It’s a propoganda film you idiot. The story’s author Ed Wong does go on to say:

It is questionable whether the soldiers were actually killed out of revenge.

Really? you think Ed? How much does the NYT have to pay you for your insightful analysis?

Crossposted at The Real Ugly

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