Head ’em up!

Move ’em out! A mini-roundup of some stuff I found interesting this week.

Size isn’t everything, ya know. (But there is a certain quality to quantity… )

Bye-bye batteries; hellooooo electric cars? Maybe in another 5-10 years, if these new carbon nanotube capacitors work out.

Stunning. Almost makes me wanna visit the Socialist State of Britannia.

Sidetrip: I love this lil appliance, already.

Kill Microsoft’s Spyware (WGA). Just kill it. (&*$@^ Micro$oft… )

God, Life and Liberty. I just found this in Donald Sensing’s archives while searching for the Thomas Jefferson comments and Randall Thompson piece composed for them earlier this week. Great commentary.

BTW, found this lil piece at Opinion Journal in the same search. A trenchant observation concerning “the left’s” hypocrisy on freedom of speech. (But of courwse, “the left” now pretty much includes most congresscritters on “the right” seeking to protect their positions nowadays, as well… *sigh*)

James P. Hogan’s Kicking the Sacred Cow. A hard-nosed look at what’s behind the curtain in Oz the world of “science” today. (The linked “book” is to the first coupla chapterts of the book, available at Baen Books online as either an eBook or paperback.)

Quote for the week, from Steve White:

“…a teacher wants—no, needs—for everyone to know everything he knows, while an educational bureaucrat sees the general dissemination of knowledge as a threat to his status. Unfortunately, there are a lot more educational bureaucrats than there are teachers. (As usual, Shaw got it wrong. Those who can, do; those who can’t become educational bureaucrats.)”1

Yeh, well, White got that right…

The usual good stuff at Diane’s place, Sam’s, Rich’s, TMH’s, Rick’s, Angel’s, Lyn’s, Alexandra’s and on and on. More than I have time to go into right now. I did say this was a short roundup, didn’t I? Hit the links. Beats golf.

Circling the herd at Sam’s, TMH’s, STACLU and at Angel’s.

2 Replies to “Head ’em up!”

  1. LOVE James P. Hogan?s Kicking the Sacred Cow.

    Been using it for source material a lot lately
    his website is great too. An easier read
    than the equally valuable Junkscience.com

    Where did you get the Steve White quote?

    I WANT that link!

    Have a dust up on Baen’s Bar in Ringo’s Tavern
    on the quality of Public Education.

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