Pure evil? You be the judge…

There are a lot of wrongs in this world, ranging from acts of assinine stupidity to unspeakable evil perpetrated by the lowest scum of the earth. You judge which this is *shudder*

Now, try to get the &%^$ song outa your head…

Crying “Fowl” at Blue Star Chronicles

4 Replies to “Pure evil? You be the judge…”

  1. “the only way to beat it is to eat it”..wonder
    what rocket scientist layed awake nights comin up wif dat dere
    slogan eh?..lol..sheesh.

  2. Now, that is one big buckin’ chicken.

    First time I saw that ad, I was blogging and only half paying attention to the television. At least, for abouyt ten seconds. Then I was paying complete attention to the television, asking myself “did they REALLY say what I think they just said??”

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