Yeh, riiiiiight…

My Wonder Woman’s taking a coupla classes that are ostensibly to enable her to use “technology” (Heads up! Buzzword!) to be a better librarian. One, in “ed-tech: curriculum development,” has a rather confusingly-worded assignment that seems to boil down to selecting goals for a n ed tech curriculum (supposedly for student achievement in the school) and assigning those goals to one of four categories, or “domains”


I have no idea why she didn’t want to use my suggestions…

“For the lil darlings who like to feed library books to the pooch, use them as frisbees and otherwise destroy elements of the catelog, rebind and repair all the materials thus destroyed.” (P-sycho-motor AND Attitudinal–two “domains” with one stoned goal!)

And another Intellectual/P-sycho-motor: “Using the tuba, piccolo and dilithium crystals provided, build a functioning transporter system to transport me outa this assignment.”

They seem perfectly valid to me. One deals with “old tech” and the other with “bleeding edge” tech.

Still trying to come up with a Verbal domain goal for the kids who just hafta give the librarian lip… Yeh, it’d be Verbal/Attitudinal… and by the time I finished with ’em P-sycho-motor and Intellectual as well.


Checking out the warp drive card catelogs over at Is It just Me? and TMH’s Bacon Bits.

One Reply to “Yeh, riiiiiight…”

  1. er..mebbe thats why SHE’s the one dealin with the ahem
    lil darlins and u aint huh? she haz the patience of
    a saint!..egads.

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