Hadji Girl

Oh, yeh, everybody’s got a take on this. Some of it quite pointed and clearly in the X-ring (WTG, Angel :-)). I didn’t want to comment until I’d actually heard/seen a recording that was of decent enough quality to actually make out the words.

I finally did, here.

Update: see tjhe lyrics here.

It’s gallows humor, folks. Storyline, in brief: the narrator of the lil ballad is lured into a trap by a passing young woman. Defends himself in a brutal and effective manner and ends with the tag “They shoulda known they were f***ing with a Marine…”

Exactly. don’t piss on the big dog if you’re not ready to have your throat torn out. I’m with a commenter at Hot Air

The Marine Corps Band should get sheet music written and arranged for this and play it at the White House during receptions for the Saudis and others of their ilk over Christmas and other appropriate holidays.

Served up with a nice Christmas ham. Invite the board of CAIR and stuff the ham down their throats while playing/singing “Hadji Girl” full volume.

Record the thing and play it at deafening volume in the mountains of Afganistan.

Send Abrams tanks through the streets wherever an “insurgent alley” can be found with humongous amps and speaker systems, playing “Hadji Girl” full volume.

Play it at every airport in America before every flight (heckuva screening measure).

Send every CAIR contributor a copy in the mail. Along with a can of SPAM.

And beat every single Mass Media Podperson who misrepresents the thing about the head and shoulders with a speaker blaring the thing loudly enough to make their ears bleed. For starters. The lying, traitorous scum.

And no, I am NOT going to link to the lying bastards, except for this WaPo article that seems to a casual reader to almost (almost) break ranks with the Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind with the tepid, nearly accurate-enough-to-effect-plausible-deniability statement,

“The lyrics talk about the Marine gunning down members of an Iraqi woman’s family after they confront him with automatic weapons.”

Right. To a Mass Media Podperson, an attack with automatic weapons is merely a “confrontation”. They don’t note that the family has sent out one daughter to lure the young Marine into a trap, kills another one of its own in attempting to kill the Marine in the story, then he opens fire. Nope. Couldn’t do that, cos then it’d place things in context.

Oh, the WaPo does relate the death of the girl. Sure, but in a way that exonerates the people the song clearly indicates are her killers.

Typical slick WaPo disingenuity.

And let’s not forget that it is typical terrorist behavior to kill innocents, to fire into crowds without regard to life or limb of bystanders, etc. Indeed, it’s typical that they seek out such in order to create the “terror” they live by.

And Muslim families worldwide—and no doubt in Iraq as well—think nothing of “honor killings” and various mutilations of women and young girls.

so the story depicted in the song is built on firm ground in facts well-known to anyone not a Mass Media Podpeople dupe.

Throwing the bullshit flag on WaPo and all the other slightly less slick liars in the Mass Media Podpeople’s Army on this one.

One last update: Kipling had more than one answer for today’s quislings in the Mass Media Podpeople’s Army, the Academia Nut Fruitcake Regime and the Loony Left Moonbat Brigade. Try this, for example…Amd don’t miss the discussion at The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiller. Really. Don’t miss it.)

[N.B., anyone else find yet another spelling error or typo, keep ’em to yourself. I’ve spent as much time as I’m gonna fixin’ the one’s that’ve already been reported. *heh*]

“sing, sing a song…” at Blue Star Chronicles’ Open Post and Caption Contest and Dumb Ox “omnibus post”/open trackbacks.

7 Replies to “Hadji Girl”

  1. The media is looking for any story that gets ratings, even if it isn’t a story at all. It’s just a song, nothing more. It’s one guy. It shouldn’t be getting all this attention.

  2. I can’t figure out whether:

    a) people with no sense of humor become liberals


    b) liberals lose whatever sense of humor they ever had…

    My guess is that it’s some combination of both!

    D. Ox

  3. Contemporary faux liberals are the result of autolobotomies performed with the aid of Mass Media Podpeople, Academia Nut fruitcakes and their ilk in order to maintain their reality-based fantasies.

    It’s the only way they can become legends in their own minds: make their minds small enough that their pallid fantasies can fill them.

  4. i hope someone kills your family and writes a funny ass song about it and posts it on the net and then come tell me its not offensive in any way …. 😀 mwahhh!

    [note: the anonymous coward who left the comment above used a fake email address. Dumbass. OK, annonymous coward. I’ll respond to your stupid and cowardly comment: bring it on. YOU set an ambush for me, as was done in the fictional account in Hadji Girl to the marine in the song. YOU lure me into the ambush. And feel free to die just like the cowardly ambushers in the song who killed their own family member attempting to ambush the marine.

    Dumbass coward. I’d be happy to sing Hadji Girl at YOUR funeral.

    BTW, folks, take note that dumbass annonymous coward’s IP address is in Dubai, UAE. A Moose-limb dumbass annonymous coward. But I repeat myself.

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