Well, thanks bub! *sigh*

I may take this post down later, but for now, all the info below is superceded by this: the plugin works, but it screws up the wp-comments-post.php loading. Another weird issue, but it was the wp-comments-post.php issue that led me to nuke this otherwise neat plugin.

This is kinda blogeeky, so if that’s not your bag, just move along. Nothing to see here…

Photo Matt, tireless tinkerer in all things WordPress, has devised a very slim (less than 1K) and elegant plugin to deal with something that’s chapped my gizzard for some time: that stupid and almost always superfluous “www” in a domain name. At least, he’s been able to nuke it for WordPress blogs.

Try it. Unless you’re using a crap browser that’s also misconfigured (easy to do with *cough* Internet Exploder), just type this blog’s address with the w3, http://www.thirdworldcounty.us in a new browser window/tab and go.

Redirects seamlessly to the http://thirdworldcounty.us/ address.

See more information here about no-www:


2 Replies to “Well, thanks bub! *sigh*”

  1. Hmm. My domain name doesn’t actually have a “WWW” to begin with. I’ve noticed other sites that also don’t. Any reason why some do and others don’t?

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