Repeat after me: “It’s just a game”

Every now and then, I do check Technorati and TTLB, just as I do my ShortStats, server stats and Statcounter stats.

We all do, some more or less often than others.

As a reminder that it’s all just a game and not all that a precise a game at that, view the graphic below (CLICK on it for a larger view). First, the visitor stats it shows… Apparently Sitemeter 9which I rarely visit or check any more, but which TTLB relies on) is reporting fewer than half the unique visitors Statcounter is currently reporting, about 1/5 the number ShortStats reports. (Of course ShortStats inflates the number of “uniques” by about twice by including search engine “visits”.)

Then check the number of links reported. My. 575, the same number of links in as number 127 in the TTLB Ecosystem. But my rank is 630. Soooo… there must be some pretty darned heavy weighting of links going on, eh? Oh, but wait! On another page, TTLB says my links haven’t actually increased over the last month but have decreased by 328… between one page of TTLB and another.

It’s just a game, with ever-moving goalposts and fallible people tinkering with the scoreboard between downs. No big deal.

Have fun.


UPDATE: TTLB was so messed up when I wrote the post above, that I’ve checked it more this week than I have the past several months combined. Went back up to the low 180s there, with my normal number iof TTLB-recognized links noted (although the visitors stats are still wonky). The, fell to the 460s or something, with one page of TTLB noting about half my linkage and another reporting almost twice as much.

And now my old TWC blog is listed separately in the 800s.

And my blogs still don’t show up in the members area.

Strange thing this TTLB game. Not only the rules but the scoring changes from one day to the next. Weird, eh?

To make matters even stranger, my google page rank for my old blog (the 800s-ranked blog in TTLB—today, at least) is higher than for my new blog *the one ranked in the low 400s by TTLB).

4 Replies to “Repeat after me: “It’s just a game””

  1. Ah stats…nuffin but a headache if ya ask me.:).since TTLB
    upgraded I havent even been able to view my incoming links and mah
    dang stat counter has never worked yet!..lolz
    alls thats important is that I’m here every day um..make that several
    times a day!..haha

  2. Pingback: My Dog Boo
  3. I’ve stopped giving my ecosystem ranking as much weight as I used to. Sipmly because the system seems more than a little flawed. Oh well, it’s no big deal though.

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