Brother Chimp: a brilliant idea and a roundup

While my Wonder Woman was brushing my back hair this morning, we had a synergistic interchange. I realized that my back hair, while luxurious in growth, never seems to get longer. She matched that quickly to the fact that I view haircuts as an inconvenience. WOW! Hair plugs from back hair! Never have to have another haircut!

As Ron Weasley would say, “Wicked!”

Now, a brief roundup of interesting things found in the blogosphere:

R’Cat posts The Bill of NON-Rights

Thanks to the Beloved Husband, who e-mailed this to me: The following has been attributed to Lewis Napper, a self-described amateur philosopher from Mississippi who ran for a U.S. Senate seat in 2000 as a Libertarian. “We, the sensible people of the United States, in an attempt to help everyone get along, restore some semblance of justice, avoid more riots, keep our nation safe, promote positive behavior, and secure the blessings of debt free liberty to ourselves and our great-great-great-grandchildren… “


Alexandra probes conservative environmental principles with an essential question in Politicizing ‘An Inconvenient Truth’

Acknowledging that most of us have to make a choice which camp to believe is an important start; and I stress, the emphasis is on ‘believe’ not on choice! Most of us can’t claim certain knowledge, although judging from what is written out there, you could have fooled me.

A thought-provoking read. For more on the topic, I suggest visiting Chaos Manor Musings and typing “global warming” or “climate change” in the search boxes provided.

Speaking of Jerry Pournelle’s place, here’s a piece he reproduced in mid May that I’ve been meaning to refer to before: The Fury of the Legions.

“Make haste to reassure us, I beg you, and tell us that our fellow citizens understand us, support us, and protect us as we ourselves are protecting the glory of the Empire.

“If it should be otherwise, if we should have to leave our bleached bones on these desert sands in vain, then beware the fury of the Legions.”

There’s more at the link, of course, and Pournelle does note problems in the provenance of the quoted material, though nothing that would blunt the seriousness of the matter.

Folks over at Diane’s Stuff are playing Dead Guy in the Sidebar #11. I’ve held up my end so far by continuing to make guesses of folks who’ve already been Dead guys in the Sidebar or Teddy Kennedy (hope springs eternal, ya know). Drop on by and play, why don’tcha?

Sam (The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns) points to THE BEST Mastercard commercial (spoof) I have seen. Put down the coffee before viewing. Maybe NSFW (depending on your workplace).

Not a blogpost (and I can’t recall offhand how I found it—if it was via your blog, let me know, OK?), but Planning ahead is considered racist? is a must-read for those who want a lil ammo in the conflict with those who pervert the truth in order to advance the destruction of Western Civilization.

Are you salting away a little money for your retirement? Trying to plan for your kids’ education? If so, Seattle Public Schools seems to think you’re a racist.

According to the district’s official Web site, “having a future time orientation” (academese for having long-term goals) is among the “aspects of society that overtly and covertly attribute value and normality to white people and Whiteness, and devalue, stereotype and label people of color.”

Well, there you are: being responsible is being racist. *Feh*

I can relate to Jay Tea’s analogy: Vicente Fox: The ultimate spammer, though some of the commenters seem to deliberately miss his points. No excerpt. Just read the whole thing.

I ought to have noted this one last week, well before Memorial Day. Brainster’s Blog links to Rick Monday’s 1976 dash to save the flag. (Again, I can’t recall who tipped me to Brainster’s post. If it was you, lemme know, ‘K?)

“Do Vampires Eat Hamburgers?” asks TRY. Steak tartare, Bubba Yak, steak tartare…

Angel’s Pakistani Torture of Women post is strong. The real face of Islam.

And at The Conservative Cat, ferdy posts Laura Ingraham – Andy Rooney on the Purpose of War

Well, that oughta add to your weekend reading list.

BTW, let me know what you think of my “back hair transplant” idea. I think it’s a winner. 🙂

OTPed at STACLU free-for-all

One Reply to “Brother Chimp: a brilliant idea and a roundup”

  1. Back hair transplants?? (Sorry on the delay, had family in town all weekend which of course means no blogging because the ‘rents “just don’t get it”). Do what the yaks do – let it get long and shaggy, and then go in about once a year and have it brought back under control. I’d say “shaved” but that’s not really accurate. Yaks look horrible bald.

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