A rant by any other name…

Or should I say, “A rant of a different color”?

Before I rant, a disclaimer of sorts: anyone who reads the following rant resulting from an extreme distaste for the kakistocracy that runs Mexico and its blatant aiding and abetting (and direct involvement!) in the violation of American sovereignty and accuses me of being racist is a jackass. And that’s putting it politely. Far more politely than any such accusation might deserve.

Now, a note to Vicente Fox’s Lapdog, AKA President George W.Bush:

If you had balls the size of BBs, you’d take the casus belli offered the U.S. via state-sponsored violations of American sovereignty* and shove it down Mexico’s throat: declare war on Mexico. Invade it and kick all the Mexicans out (for being illegal aliens on American property). Send ’em to Castro and Hugo Chavez to deal with. Oh, keep the ricos for use in hard labor on chain gangs, breaking rocks and swamping raw sewage to dump on their resort beaches and the like. Rape the land of its amazingly rich natural resources (oil at $15 a barrel? You betcha!), and when it’s all gone, salt the land with, well, salt, vacate and tell the former owners they can have it all back, best o’ luck to ya now! Head on back north behind a 2,000 mile long 100′ high fence that’s TOTALLY militarized.

That’d tell folks the U.S. is serious about security and serious about soverignty. State-sponsored invasion? Wanna play that game, better lay back and enjoy the ride.

Rant OFF. For now.

*On top of Mexican government policies encouraging alien invasion of the U.S., Mexican military incursions onto U.S. soil to protect drug runners and other illegal aliens_1_,_2_,_3_ are rampant. And Vicente Fox’s Lapdog talks about “cooperation” between American and Mexican authorities to control the border! Cooperation? Yeh, a one-way street. Sell out the Minutemen, turn a blind eye to Mexican military incursions and give a wink and a nod to the Mexican government publishing handbooks on how to sneak across our border.

Yeh, I’m still pi**ed off. But I’m not ranting, now. No, you’ll know it when I’m ranting…

Kixking and screaming and throwing breakables all over the place at TMH’s Bacon Bits.

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