Send this fax…

…to the White House, to your Senators and to your Congressmen. vary it as you will, but here’re the bones:

The President proposes a “meaningful penalty” for illegal aliens. They must pay their taxes, work and learn English in order to “earn citizenship”.

Penalties, eh? Gee. I pay taxes, work and speak English. What am I being penalized for?

Blog this, spread the meme, send the emails and faxes to the relevant political poltroons, make those phone calls.

And report back here via comments and trackbacks.

Do this. Spread the meme: according to President Bush’s “penalty” for illegal aliens, citizens are being penalized for… being citizens. The President’s program for illegal aliens IS amnesty.

Just do it.

What does Ferdy think? Ferdy ain’t talkin’ cos he’s tired…

Linkin’ in to Kevin’s Carnival of the Trackbacks, too.

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