Your blood pressure OK?

It won’t be after you read this post by Heidi at Euphoric Reality.

This is a certified RCOB (blinded by a Red Curtain of Blood rage) moment.

The feds who have engaged in this behavior should be tried (for whatever capital offense can be made to stick) and shot and left for scavengers. And their descendents unto the seventh generation should be hounded from the face of the country these quislings have dishonored.

A tanning booth on the sun for every fedgov traitor who engages in this sort of behavior is far, far too kind.

Now, are you going to CLICK on over there and read what has me about to stroke out?

5 Replies to “Your blood pressure OK?”

  1. I know.. I know..there’s betrayal and then there’s betrayal..
    to say this has gone too far would be a masterpiece of under-
    statement but if the gov’t and Law enforcement patently refuses
    to take responsibilty ..we can rant all we want and even cop a
    blood wont b worth a hill of refried beans my friend.

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