From the mouths of babes…

The young checker at the local grocery gave me the total for my purchases. I thought I had misheard her, so I checked the total on the register. Yep. Including tax, it was less than the cost of the items I had submitted for total.

“Was something on sale and I just missed it?”

“No sir. The price includes your senior discount.”

Ouch. Hadn’t asked for one.


From the mouths of babes…

(Guess I’m looking forward to my birthday anniversary next month.)

Parking my walker at the CIA (no, the other CIA), Camelot Destra Ideale (if your Italian is as weak/rusty as mine, go ahead and use Babelfish), Adam’s Blog (Hey, Adam: My Wonder Woman is off to a librarian’s meeting that lasts through Tuesday–know how ya may feel *sigh*) and TMH’s Bacon Bits, where I hope TMH is catching some family time this weekend.

3 Replies to “From the mouths of babes…”

  1. Heh, I’m feeling like I deserve a senior discount… lucky sucker. 😛

    And yes, thanks, some fam time — in fact we just shaved our longhair Persian in the bathtub, an excuse for some quality time 😆

  2. This morning I filed PDC paperwork to run for the State House of Represenatives, Legislative District 33. Roughly speaking, this covers Kent, Normandy Park, parts of Burien and Des Moines. I will be running as a Republican but will not declare unitl July whether against Shay Schual-Burke or Dave Up-the-Grove.

    My campaign theme is to reduce school drop-outs through the reinstitution of active truancy enforcement and criminalyzing dropping out under 18.

    To pay for this, I suggest specific cuts in criminal justice. Google search Why the Innocent Plead Guilty…. ” for a complete exposition.
    Yours for a better state, Mike Cook

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