Here’s an idea…

Why don’t alla youse guys who are on blogger who have me blogrolled and multi-linked in posts go ahead and switch over to WordPress. Here’s how ya do it (to benefit ME, of course! :-)):

1.) Set up your new WordPress Blog
2.) Make sure I’m the first one you put on your blogroll (that’s a very important step! Don’t forget: this is all about ME. heh)
3.) Import alla your old Blogger posts.
4.) Go back through all of ’em and change the links from any old Blogger twc links to the New! Improved! twc address.
5.) Make sure you leave your old Blogger blog up forever (after all, you DO want folks to find you, and I can tell ya, about half my traffic is still folks finding me from my Blogger blog… )

See? You’ve just doubled your links to me. Thank you very much!

Oh, and you would have helped me in my nevernding search for Truth! justice! and The American Way! as I keep trying to get Technorati to let me claim my own blog…

Just an idea. Now, get busy, ‘K?

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