Carnival of the Recipes #85

…At Blog o’Ram (every time I see that I wanna say, “baaah” :-))—a very special edition that includes a few recipes you definitely haven’t run across before, like,

Make a moderately thick syrup of April by combining a couple cups of fresh April with about a cup of water and enough sugar to make it sweet. Cook until moderately thick and syruppy.

Well, what did you expect? This carnival edition was posted on April 1, after all.

But there are a coupla (more than, actually) cool, more “normal” recipes, too. Take Pears Mazama, for example. Any recipe requiring a fire extinguisher is right up my alley.

Anywho, lots more good stuff at the carnival post, so just go there and add some more stumbling blocks to your attempts to diet.

In other news… (it’s related, really, though not in an immediately obvious way), Christine made Feedster Feed of the Day. Nice. WTG, Christine!

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