Ten Reasons to Vote for Bush

Thx to Carol Liebau for referring to the California Republic blog Some good stuff there, including “Top ten reasons I’m voting for Bush today” by Steven Zak. Here’s a part of his list. Read the rest at the link.

10: Michael Moore, who cheers for terrorists — I mean, “Minutemen” — in Iraq, and who dedicated a book to terror enabler Rachel Corrie. Among his disciples, who reveal themselves by adopting his talking points, are John Kerry and Osama bin Laden.

9: George Soros, the billionaire financier of far-left organizations like Moveon.org, so bent on single-handedly ending the Bush presidency that he has donated over $15 million toward that end. Soros fails to understand — or doesn’t care — that democracy means everyone’s voice counts, not that the will of others can be nullified with sufficient cash.

8: Soros wannabe, B-list actor Matt Damon, who recently confessed to his own fantasy of eliminating the voting input of other Americans by buying the election. “I would pay $1 million to have Kerry in the White House,” he told a crowd in Germany. (My own fantasy: I pay a million to have Damon permanently disappear from every movie screen and video store in America.)

7: Dan Rather and CBS, who made their own effort to hijack the election using fabricated documents to denigrate President Bush — an appalling attempt at anti-democracy by trickery. As if all is nonetheless right with the world, Rather will be there, reporting away, on November 2.

It’s a “top ten countdown” so go read the rest, and stick around for others’ commentary there, as well.

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