Nothin’ could be fine-a than a-standin’ in the line-a…

It’s been a few years since I had to stand in any kind of line to vote (well, since we moved here, I guess). Didn’t today, either. Folks were marking their ballots and moving right along this morning at 6:30 (yeh, we got a late start :-). It was nice, though, to be “carded” here in our lil under 2,000 pop town at a polling place where darned near everyone knew who folks were.

Voting is serious business. Producing valid ID and proving you have the right to vote is a good thing. Of course, moving from punch card ballots to marking in lil circles with a “special” pen was difficult for me, since I’ve never been good at “coloring between the lines” [heh].

Oh, and I did vote for one Democrat. One of the finest men in the county, up for commissioner in our district. Was an easy choice. And I do enjoy those positions where the only vote is “should so-and-so retain their position” cos the answer is always “No” to that question. Of course, most of those positions are for lifers… something we ought not have anywhere (how about a Constitutional Amendment requiring federal judges/justices to retire? Yeh. A Good Thing, IMO)

Well, back to letting Fox election commentary play in the background while I get “real meaningful stuff” done…

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