News From Iraq and My Thoughts

This morning I started to write a post over at The Real Ugly American just linking to a couple of my favorite bloggers T.F. Boggs who interviews one of his fellow soldiers in Iraq and Treasure of Baghdad who details how his family prepared for the 2003 invasion of Iraq. They are both intense examples of what is really happening in Iraq, I strongly recomend you read them.

But then something strange happened. As I started to type I found myself writing words of encouragement to my friend at Treasure of Baghdad. It was obvious from his post and some of his other recent posts that the war is taking a toll on him and his family. I thought I would share my thoughts with you as well.

 To my friend Treasure of Baghdad I can only offer hope for the future and these words of solidarity and encouragement as I know more people he cares about will suffer and die before this war is over.

We are not ignoring you any longer my friend.
Please do not push away the people who desperately want to help you. People I care about will also suffer and die. No doubt more sacrifice will be required of you, please do not forget that others are sacrificing for you as well. I know this has not always been the case but today Americans, Italians, Poles, British, Australians, and others, are dying for your freedom. This is the opportunity of your lifetime. To live free to live in peace. Do not waste it. History is calling on the people of Iraq. Freedom needs the people of Iraq to be strong. The people of the Middle East need your resolve. The world needs you to be heroes.

The grandfathers of my country paid that price for me. Their forefathers before them paid that price for them and today we are free, we are safe. In fact many of us are spoiled and have forgotten the terrible price that freedom requires.

What will your children’s children say about this time BT? Will they say that you and your brother Iraqi’s faced the fascists and paid a terrible price to defeat them and win our freedom? Or will they say we live under the thumb of fascists today because our forefathers faltered?

Although we have not known each other long BT I believe I know your heart. I know you will not falter. Do not let the people of Iraq falter. History has chosen you and the people of Iraq to make this stand now. How will you answer the call of history?

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