I am a gay man

[See Update at tghe foot of this post.]

I can’t help it. Although I am often moody, curmudgeonly and downright snappish, just as often I am gay. To steal from Joe Sobran’s manifesto against the trope of homosexual/Mass Media Podpeople cultural propaganda,

…I am gay. It’s just my nature. I’ve been this way as long as I remember. Even as a boy, when I watched the dapper, suave comedy of Cary Grant or Fred Astaire, I felt I was looking into a mirror of my soul. Life should be taken lightly — that’s my philosophy. My favorite writer is P.G. Wodehouse. When I hear a Rossini overture on the radio, I can’t bear to turn it off. These are my gay brethren. I’ve learned to spot them across a crowded room.

I never thought Bob Hope was all that funny, but he was infectiously gay. He and Bing Crosby made some of the most popular movies ever to star a pair of gay men. More recently the fashion has favored black comedy, which can be hilarious too; but comedy is best when light and gay, without malice and aggression, but that tone is much harder to achieve and sustain than most people realize.

The reason the present age is difficult for gay people is that the word gay has been appropriated by homosexual activists. So real gay men have been driven into the closet, afraid to admit they’re gay for fear of being misunderstood.

A large part of my gaiety is no doubt due to my wife’s choice of a mate. My Wonder Woman is infectuously gay, happy, optimistic in her outlook and behavior. To know her is to love her… and to be infected with her gay nature.

Another contributing factor is my inate propensity to take myself with a grain of salt, to laugh at my own foibles (the dark side of that is that I sometimes brood over them, as well *sigh* So sometimes my self-mocking is dark humor).

But, by and large, life is a lark. Oh, sure, I sometimes skate to the edge of despair when I view the passing scene–Mass Media Podpeople, Academia Nuts, Loony Left Moonbats, non-conservative soi disant “Conservatives,” pop “music” so-called “artists” being manufactured by Sony (and other organs of “tastes-like sawdust–Yum!” production) and politicians of darned near any stripe.


I am saved from despair by the ludicrous nature of them all, the silliness of their vain pronouncements, productions and all other efforts, and the fact that life is by and large a big suck on a sweet orange.

So, I am gay.

Too bad all the crop of weeping, wailing, teeth-gnashing homosexual activists and their brainwashed, neurotic, love hungry, approval-seeking disciples can’t seem to be gay, but that’s their problem. I’ll just smile, shake my head and give a chuckle. They just can’t seem to get the point that life’s a lark.

Oh. Well. The sun’s shining, the damned trees are budding (oops! Little dark disappreciation of allergens… but hey! I can still smell the flowers! :-)), God’s in His heaven and all’s right with the world, sorta. So lighten up, chill.

Be gay.

Swishing the light fantastic at Sam’s OTA Weekend Time, The Real Ugly American and Camelot Destra Ideale (Hey, I don’t read Italian well, but I’m sure someone does :-)).

UPDATE: Oh! When will the evidence that Muslims are stupid stop rolling in? See comments, where “AnumsTruth” whose email address points to “IslamicThinkers.com” (an oxymoron if ever there was one!) begins his comment with, “Is this site for real? It is very pathetic. I think you should keep your sexuality
to yourself.”

What. A. Maroon. This brings to a total of, oh, 100% of all Islamic commenters I have read on every single blog where I have seen Muslim commenters demonstrating that they are complete idiots. Just once, I’d like to read a comment by even ONE Muslim blog commenter that wasn’t a perfect example of subliterate stupidity.

Waiting. But not gonna hold my breath.

9 Replies to “I am a gay man”

  1. Is this site for real? It is very pathetic. I think you should keep your sexuality to yourself.
    I understand your double use of the word ‘gay’ but it strikes me as being true.
    “I swear by the declining day, verily! Man is in loss, Except those who believe (in Isl?mic Monotheism) and do righteous good deeds, and recommend one another to the truth (i.e. order one another to perform all kinds of good deeds (Al-Ma’roof)which All?h has ordained, and abstain from all kinds of sins and evil deeds (Al-Munkar)which All?h has forbidden), and recommend one another to persevere(for the sufferings, harms, and injuries which one may encounter in All?h’s Cause during preaching the Deen of Tawheed or Jih?d, etc.). [TMQ Al-Asr]

  2. Thank you, “Anums Truth” (what an idiotic pseudonym) for providing yet another example of Muslim stupidity. I said nothing about my sexual orientation, apart from alluding to the fact that I am in a heterosexual marriage relationship–something you couldn’t infer if I smacked you between the ears with a dead cod.

    Frankly, I was hoping for a response from someone with intelligence and literacy abilities that at least surpassed a head of cabbage.

    You, obviously, possess neither. “IslamicThinkers.com”?!?!? Isn’t that an oxymoron?

    “Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries! Now, go away or I shall taunt you a second time.”

    Asshat. Thanks for the material for a few good Muslim jokes, though.

  3. Of course you must revert to violence. This has been the history of Jews and there Christian puppets. You are not capable of even keeping your word.
    Mail (will not be published) (required)
    Small man behind his computer
    The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) teaches us that we should keep our word. Is this not your teaches as well. It should not matter if it is a big thing or a little thing.

  4. “Anums Truth” (again, idiotic and oxymoronic pseudonym, especially in the face of… )

    You are a liar. You accuse me of engaging in violence. That makes you a stupid liar. Thank you, thank you, thank you for once again providing further evidence of your stupidity.

    The Butcher of Medina (called “Mohammed”–who is now rotting in hell forever–tough luck Mosslimb boy) has nothing to contribute here. Your claimed citation of him saying “you” should keep your word is in direct conflict with his example of treachery and lies.

    “Revert to violence”? Oh, you mean as is the typical immature, savage, brutal and idiotic behavior of true Muslims everywhere (those who honestly follow the lying, savage, treacherous example of the murdering, mutilating slaver, Mohammed)? Nope. I will simply leave the senseless violence practiced so openly and normally by your fellow cultists to you and your fellow cultists.

    when it comes time for sensible, rational violence in response to an illiterate, subhuman Islamic splodydope terrorist who is honestly following in the footsteps of that lying, cowardly, treacherous mass murderer, Mohammed, then you might well see me turn to genuine violence.

    But if one of your brethren were to come this way attempting to do as all Muslims do (or with their lying practice of following Mohammed’s teaching to decieve those who refuse to become slaves to your cult, aid and abet): harm others with their savage violence, THEN they will find their place in hell with the rest of their brethren.

    Self-defense (or direct defense of others) in the face of a member of your vile cult of death, mutilation and slavery is eminently justifiable.

    But “revert to violence”? No, you cretin, I have not yet done so. Accusing me of such reveals YOU for the liar you are.

    Thank you very much for providing yet more evidence of the lying nature of true Muslims.

    Oh, and thanks also for providing me with a good grin over the fact that you are too stupid to even recognize that you have done so.

  5. ” if I smacked you between the ears with a dead cod.”
    Yes your wife must love your nonviolents.
    Or is this peaceful for you. Maybe you have some strange hobbies with fish?
    As-Sal?mu ‘Alaikum

  6. I fail to see any reversion to violence. Anums has he actually hit you with a cod? No, I seriously doubt he has. Nor have I seen any actual threat to do so.

  7. It’s “nonviolence”. And yes, she does. After all, the cod would already have died, and there’s obviously nothing resembling human sentience between your ears, since you cannot distinguish between a subjunctive mood statement of conditional action and violence.


    “Bam! I just hit you on the head with a cluebat!”

    To you, a simple collection of words (which you are intellectually incapable of parsing and comprehending) is “violence”.

    Here’s the cluebat I hit you with dunderhead:

    violence, n. Physical force exerted for the purpose of violating, damaging, or abusing.

    What part of “physical force” is beyond your pinhead mental capabilities to understand?

    Of course, there is another legitimate meaning of the word that applies to your tortured idiocies:

    violence, n. Abuse or injury to meaning, content, or intent: do violence to a text, something you manage every time you sit down to type.

    Question: are you really just a relatively stupid chimpanzee? That might explain the “violence” you do to every text you read or comment on. Hmmm, maybe you are one of Mohammed’s Monkey Men…

  8. I’d comment, but I’m too busy laughing.

    Anums: Stupidity is dumb. Try pulling back on the rhetoric long enough to actually have a conversation. While we’re at it: How many Christians have blown people up intentionally in the last ten years? Twenty? How many Jews have done this? How many Muslims have done this? Answer that and we can re-open the discussion on “violent tendencies.”

  9. RY,

    Well, there are quite a few Christians in Iraq blowing “people” up intentionally. BUT the difference between them and the cowardly savages who regularly blow up civilian men, women and children in the name of The Butcher of medina and his moon-god is that the Christians attempt to focus on blowing up the savage, murdering brutes cowardly attacking largely unarmed non-combatants.

    The difference is that the Christians doing so are excercising Justice upon the evildoers, while the Muslim who are genuinely, honestly following the genuine historical example of their treacherous, lying, savage child rapist-mass murderer, Mohammed, are simply cowardly scum who have asked that divine justice send them to hell. The Christian Crusaders are simply accomodating them and JUSTLY arranging an introduction for these murderers to the One True God a little early.

    Big difference.

    Of course, many of those now arranging intros to hell for these savage, cowardly followers of The Butcher of Medina are also… followers of the Butcher of Medina themselves, cos they are sick and tired of having their non-combatant men, women and children murdered by their co-religionists.

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