Thank you, coffee!

Well, thanks to my great friend, the Blessed, Holy Caffeine Tree, I survived a day and a half of dialup over third world county telco lines *shudder*. Oh! The horror of it all!


Thanks, coffee.


(Yeh, the pic’s low-rez, in nothing but the light coming in the kitchen window. But it’s of my “coffee shrine” and my second-favorite coffeemaker to date. Fav died and not enough parts available… *sigh* If you’re interested remind me to tell ya how I can emulate a French press with this coffeemaker. :-))

2 Replies to “Thank you, coffee!”

  1. Thanks, Lady Diane!

    I actually built the “coffee shrine” as a 1’X2′ “el” extension off our existing countertop, just for coffee, coffee fixin’s, etc. The Gevalia ceramic coffee canisters on the glass shelf above were my Wonder Woman’s dad’s canisters. There are three shelves below the counter for filters (although we usually just use a “gold” mesh filter), more coffee cups, etc. Coffee not in the canisters is stored in the freezer.

    I used to have a framed copy of “O Blessed Holy Caffeine Tree” hanging above the coffeemaker, but Lovely Daughter gave me the coffe graphic that’s now there instead. I still sing a verse or three of “OBHCT” while making my morning pot of joe, though…

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