“New Math” at CBSNYT

So far, CNN, NBC, FOX and even CBS’ own April 04, 2003 report contradict CBS”News”/NYT’s hatchett job on President Bush concerning explosives once stored at the al Qaqaa facility. Now, ABCNews weighs in with “new” information that indicates that

1.) there was far, far less (by two orders of magnitude!) RDX explosive material at the facility the last time the IAEA took a peek–about 3 tons instead of 141 tons, and

2.) The RDX and HMX explosives were under IAEA seal, BUT the storage “bunkers” the explosives were stored in had removable slats (!), facilitating easy removal without violating any IAEA seals!!

Let’s see… before the war, only 3 tons of one of the explosives in question and none of the explosives were secured… CBS/NYT thinks 3 tons=141 tons (that’s New Math for ya)… oh, and let’s not forget the Russians were in the area trucking stuff out before the shooting started… see here and here.

If all this can be uncovered in a few short days debunking the hit piece by the NYT (and planned for October 31 broadcast by CBS “News”), sKerry’s use of the hit piece to attack the President reveals yet another character flaw that would be dangerous in a president: jumping on any new report that advances his agenda without even pausing to check any facts.

Hmmm… sKerry now criticizes President Bush for “rushing to war” (by delaying the onset of military action for six months while sKerry and others dithered, thus giving Saddam time to move WMD, etc.) but cannot himself wait one or two days to check the facts on al Qaqaa.

Bugs Bunny, where are you when we need you? (“What a maroon.” —B.B.)

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