Open Thread: Kick Kerry in the Pants

This is an Open Trackback Post AND a “Where the heck is Kerry’s SF-180 info?” post.

Here’s the deal:

1.) ANY post you wish to highlight is welcome. Just link to this post and trackback. BUT
2.) Any post you link and trackback that disses Jean Fraud sKerry over his loudmouthed lies, pusillanimous prevarications, his brazen bloviations will be hardlinked in an upcoming roundup, with excerpt and comment.
3.) As always, any and all factually-based rants, ridicule and ravings that give this wanker a metaphorical poke in the eye are welcome in comments.

Heck, as to that last, I’d even welcome a supporter or three of Jean Fraud commenting here. It’s always nice to know where the self-made idiots are coming from, ya know.

Also note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at

Linkfest Haven.Linkfest Haven

7 Replies to “Open Thread: Kick Kerry in the Pants”

  1. Pingback: Adam's Blog
  2. Pingback: Freedom Folks
  3. Pingback: Mark My Words

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