Call me lazy…

…I don’t care. It’d be the truth. Why, the other day, before I’d had even one cuppa The Holy Brew and hence was operating at a serious caffeine-deficient level, I wanted the square root of 232, but my wheels stopped spinning at 15 (common square 15X15=225. Knew cos I had to memorize squares of whole #s up to the square of 25 in gradeschool). So, caffeine-deprived and lazy, I did what anyone with two brain cells to rub together would do:

I typed “square root 232” (w/o the quotes, of course) in my browser’s Google search box. To seven decimal places: 15.2315462.

So, call me lazy. I rounded it up (for my purposes) to 15.25.

Confessed (“Sign ze papers, old man.” “But I cannot sign the papers!…”) at Bloggin’ Outloud, where the Best So Far 2006 awards show will close ballots tonight.

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