Arrested Development

I’ve been almost casually looking through Kerry’s Senate voting record for the past few months, “Here a look, there a look, everywhere a
look-look… ”

OK, back on track, now.

It struck me how, during the Reagan/Bush 1 years, Kerry was always voting in ways to encourage communist and other totalitarian governments, whenever a vote on national defense or intelligence came up. It was almost as if his first thought was “How can I make the world a safer place… for communism?”

This realization about Kerry’s voting record converged with my growing awareness of his psychological/moral problems (he’s apparently a compulsive—and very bad—liar, for example). Like all good Marxists—and by his record, he certainly fits that description—Kerry cannot admit or speak the truth as a general practice. Now, I think I have an understanding of Kerry’s character, summed up in this comment from Mike Adams:
“Marxism is an emotional disorder, not a political philosophy.”

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