WARNING! (Quick hit)

OK, Skippy, if you use MSN Messenger be warned. Don’t be sucked in.

Virus Poses as Leaked MSN Messenger Beta

Internet users are being warned about a new virus that poses as a leaked pre-release version of the MSN Messenger instant messenger program.

Unsuspecting Windows users who install the phony MSN Messenger Version 8 “beta” actually install an IM worm that spreads to their IM contacts, and connects their computer to a remote control “bot” network run by malicious hackers, according to F-Secure Corp., an antivirus firm based in Helsinki.

A Web site, msgr8beta.com, purports to have the leaked version of MSN Messenger. The site touts the advantages of the MSN Messenger 8…

Don’t say I didn’t warn ya. By the time you read this, the malicious little worm who came up with this sucker play for naifs will likely have set up a different website offering this sucker bait.

Update your AV software; NEVER open unasked for, unscanned email attachments and watch those phishing links, etc., yadayadayada…

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