Taking Aim at Subordinate Enemies of Liberty

Yeh, well, it’s a reasonable target, but there are worse societal ills.

Music company “manufactories” can (and do) produce bad music, Academia Nut Fruitcake Bakeries can (and do) produce bad art, crony capitalism (which is not capitalism at all but a government thumb on the scales of the market) produces economic and social disparities, and a society focusing on privileges instead of actual, real, inherent individual rights produces outright evil.

Better: the government that governs least governs best. Get remote educrats out of public school meddling; get government thumbs off the markets; stop catering to crybullies, etc. Socialism is no threat if the government boot is taken off common citizens’ necks and placed instead on that of real outlaws who violate the actual, inherent rights of others (that would, of course, include socialists of all stripes), instead of government–as now–encouraging outlaws and suppressing citizens expressing/exercising their natural, inherent rights.

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