How clueless is Hollyweird?

OK, I have even less interest in seeing Brokeback Mountain than the usual Hollyweird drivel. But. (Oh, this is so hard to type while I’m laughing!) How clueless is Hollyweird to tout a movie about two homosexual shepherds as a “cowboy” flick?

Yep. That’s right. The two “cowboy lovers” the flick is built around are… sheep herders.

“‘We herded sheep on Brokeback one summer,’said Ennis…”

What?!? “Sheepboys”? They couldn’t find a cute lil ewe? Or did Hollyweird atypically just leave the love triangle on the cutting room floor?


Clipped and dipped at Conservative Cat and Is It Just Me?.

2 Replies to “How clueless is Hollyweird?”

  1. its difficult not to feel at the mercy of “experts’ especially about
    something like weather..i mean the most well read person would have a hard
    time deciphering all the conflicting messages we have been getting
    as of late.
    o well one more thing to study..gtg…the weather page iz next on mah list

  2. Wow good job

    Just reading about these lie makes me hot -well then I perspire and get wet which makes me chilly so I have to get a towel and dry off. Oh OH!Hot -cold -dry -wet I must be catching it too! No I’m getting it -climatitis the dreded bug transmitted by computers infiltrated by the left – I’m fading fast I hope the sky doesn’t fall until after Hillary gets to be President and ….too late..I’ve been climatized by the left….

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