Behind the curve…

Well, lots has happened today while I was caught in the twilight zone between the blogosphere, email and real world…

Yesterday, Committees of Correspondence chose to use the quote accurately, instead of paraphrasing (OK, wittingly misquoting) as I did, in citing Franklin Roosevelt’s: A Date Which Will Live In Infamy My own words could never do this Day justice instead I choose to remember these. December 7, 1941 – a date which will live in infamy – the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked Yet even the eloquence of Franklin D. Roosevelt…

[A tribute worth reading]

Over at TMH’s Bacon Bits, DL thumps the “obvious” nerve: They Make It Too Easy Only liberals, in this case vanquished ex-dirt slinger Tom Daschle, would have the audacity to criticize another candidate for running a poor election when they were just thrown out of office in their own career ending campaign.

[OK, it’s patently obvious, but DL rags on ’em so well, it’s just plain fun to read. Get ’em DL! 🙂 ]

Radioactive Liberty says it so very well: In Remembrance Today I honor those people, who gave for their country, so that the next generation would not have to. Today I am humbled, and even humiliated by the greatness exhibited by an entire generation of American citizens.

[“Me too” is lame… but true.]

Missed this one late Tuesday (well, late for me that Tuesday–heh) from Israpundit–good point: Saudis have radicalized 80% of US mosques By HAVIV RETTIG, JPOST Mainstream US Muslim organizations are heavily influenced by Saudi-funded extremists, according to Yehudit Barsky, an expert on terrorism at the American Jewish Committee. Worse still, Barsky told The Jerusalem Post last week…

[’bout time they were “radicalized” right on back. There’s an old TWC remedy for such… ]

And how did I miss these?!?!?

Another pointed post from TMH’s Bacon Bits: From Russia To Iran Via Gore A decade ago, Al Gore was making a secret deal with a Russian gangster that would allow Russia to sell hi-tech missiles to Iran, which might prevent us from taking out Iranian nukes (should we need to).

Choose Life brings news of the vested interests of those who’ve done flawed research into breast cancer out into the light with Studies Denying Abortion-Breast Cancer Link Debunked World Net Daily reported on Professor Joel Brind’s latest paper in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons in an article by Ron Strom posted December 1, 2005.

[You have a mother or a sister or a wife or a daughter? Well, then read the post.]

What do you mean I won’t believe it, freedom folks? HAven’t I found you reliable before? 🙂 The Chicago Way Mexican drug-you’re not going to believe this-Mexican drug cartels are running marijuana farms in the United States.

[Well, you were wrong about one thing: I do belive it.]

And last for today, but far, far from least, is Romeocat’s Advent post for today, The Town. Go. Read. (I’ll have a “fun” version of “O Little Town of Bethlehem” up tomorrow or the next day, but for now, no music for a leadoff into this one. Just read it.)

Shamelessly flogged at TMH’s Bacon Bits.

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