I’m Tempted

But I just might resist temptation. . . this time.

I’m tempted to take either a Linix Mint box with a fairly generous amount of RAM or a similarly-configured Win10 box and play VM games on ’em like I did several years ago when I installed a WinXP VM inside a Linux Mint box and then installed an Ubuntu VM inside the WinXP VM. Ju-u-u-st for fun.

I dunno. Maybe. Ju-u-u-st for fun. After all, I never did go more than two VMs deep. *heh*

4 Replies to “I’m Tempted”

    1. The virtues of virtualization are less appealing with this sort of lil plaything experiment than the pure silliness of doing it just for the heck of it. Ah, fuggetabout it. I think I’ll just put 2 or 3 OSes on a large flash drive for fun. Heck, that might even prove to be useful: multi-booting several different OSes from a thumb drive could come in handy, especially if I load each one down with tools.

      So, what OSes should I load a thumb drive with? Hmm. . .

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