Is It Wrong of Me. . .

. . .to be entertained by the pathetic behavior of some folks who have chosen The Way of Self-Enstupiation?

Sample: those folks who (apparently) cannot distinguish between accuracy in labeling, name-calling (which is actually, IMO, quite often appropriate when justifiably ridiculing someone who has drawn a target on their own back), and ad hominem fallacy. Those who lump these categories together indiscriminately rarely do so because of innate stupidity and laziness; no, it is usually because of hard-earned, willful stupidity and laziness that they do so.

Such folks may get one, two or three strikes from me, but quite soon my patience runs out and I begin giving them their due: guffaws and raucous ridicule, just about the only sort of criticism that can reach the self-enstupiated. Is such effective in ameliorating their behavior? No, not usually, but it does usually result in reactions that are just as stupid and intellectually lazy as the behavior that spurred the ridicule, and that’s amusing. Gives me more to mock.

Is that wrong? If so, I DGARA. It’s entertaining, and that’s about the best that can come from interactions with the self-enstupiated.

2 Replies to “Is It Wrong of Me. . .”

    1. Yeh, the self-enstupiated like you, “Jack.” I’m surprised you’re still among the living. I keep expecting you to not survive the trip from your couch to your beer and back.

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