Thanksgiving Day meal finished, food put away. lazing until my Wonder Woman and I leave to take in a flick.

Just opened another “stash” blog for low-stress, not-too-techie stuff about software/hardware. Any further comments about browsers or other software stuff will be stored there and the only real mention of the contents will be a short comment/link here.

Anyone wants to treat this as an open post, feel free. SPAM trackbacks or comments will of course be deleted and their domains banned. Some things just aren’t worth wasting time on. Spammers, for one class, will never “get” the idea that what they are doing is unethical, any more than other sociopaths can understand their own inhumanity.

Have fun folks. Outa here until tomorrow, most likely. When tomorrow rolls around, I’ll bring interesting trackbacks/links onto the front page in an “around and about” post. (And then, Real World stuff, again. 🙂

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