We Need More “Assisted Living Facilities”

But of different classes.

I think the time has come to establish Assisted Computing Facilities for people who are too stupid to own or operate computers, but who nevertheless own or want to operate them, to live in.

“Here, dearie; let me make that mouse click for you.”

And then, of course, it is long past time to establish Assisted English Facilities for self-made morons who butcher both spoken and written English to live in. ( Yeh, I’m looking at 80% plus of people on social media, bloggers, published authors and their editors, etc.). It’s a HUGE market. Every time some self-made moron butchered the English language in speech or text, that moron would have his own “editor” to slap him on the knuckles with a ruler and berate him with a correction. The morons would never learn, of course, but the individual “editors” would at least enjoy themselves.

The problem *sigh* with the Assisted English Facilities would be finding enough people who are actually literate in English. Oh, well.

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